Honors & Scholarships
Indiana University, 2015-2018
Neal-Marshall Fellowship
Earle J. S. Ho Award for Excellence in Teaching Creative Writing
English Graduate Student Travel Award
Agnes Scott College, 2009-2013
Summa Cum Laude
Agnes Scott College Dean’s Honor List
Robert Frost Prize in Creative Writing
Mary Taylor Lipscomb Garrity Award
Sigma Tau Delta
Phi Beta Kappa
Mortar Board
Founders’ Scholarship
Dana Scholarship
StoryQuarterly's Sixth Annual Fiction Prize, 2019
Second Runner-Up: "Selected Episodes from Wartime Philippines on a Saturday Night"
Best Small Fictions, 2017
Nominee: "Backyard Dirge," Reservoir
Midwestern Gothic’s Summer Flash Fiction Series, 2016
Finalist: “Broken Glass"
Boulevard Short Fiction Contest for Emerging Writers, 2015
Finalist: “Hunger, Hands, Nails”
Kore Press Short Fiction Award, 2015
Semifinalist: “Hunger, Hands, Nails”
Agnes Scott College Writers’ Festival, 2013
Fiction Finalist: “The Lady Vanishes”
Nonfiction Finalist: “Skin”
Agnes Scott College Writers’ Festival, 2012
Nonfiction Winner: “Two Fountains”
Agnes Scott College Writers’ Festival, 2011
Fiction Finalist: “Her”
Fellowships & Residencies
Millay Colony for the Arts, Austerlitz, NY, July 2020
Fiction Juror, Winter 2021 - Spring 2022
Fulbright Research Grant, Metro Manila, the Philippines, 2018-2019
The Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing, Oak Bluffs, MA, June 2018
Alumni Award Fellowship
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Palembang, Indonesia, 2013-2014
Tin House Summer Workshop, Novel Workshop with Cecily Wong, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, 2024
NVM & Narita Gonzalez Writers' Workshop, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City, the Philippines, 2019
Fall Master Class with Meg Pokrass and Robert Shapard, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 2015